January 03, 2014


Is 2014 the moment for getting your home finally the way you want it?
Start with these 3 easy tips before heading to the store. It costs you nothing but saves you a disappointment in the end.

TIP 1: Pick a theme.

Before you start you probably have already a long list of favorite interior, on Pinterest, in your favorite magazines or even your favorite soap might inspire you!
Now let's look at them and see what they have in common. Can you define it? Do you see what it is that makes you think "I wish I would live there!"

Are you the African Nomad or the Scandinavian Cool type?
Is vintage your thing or after all Parisian chic?

When picking a theme don't think things like "I can't afford this" or "it will take too much of my time". If you want to get it, it will sure take time but everything you achieve will make you proud and more at ease in you own nest.
Pick this theme and start imagining your room when it is finished!

Parisian chic with a touch of vintage

Scandinavian white with vintage elements

vintage minimalism

warm sunny out of Africa

You can see already from these examples that I have a weakness for vintage stuff. but let's talk about you! Have you found your style?

TIP 2: Pick a color scheme.

Now here it goes easy :). when choosing a theme, often the theme already implements some basic colors and that is what we want to do here. Choosing the BASIC colors.
When you opt for Parisian chic, this implements black, white and wood colors, the gold and silver elements can come later.
African look has bright shades of orange purples and reds but you do want to keep it a little modest for the walls and the floors so you go for muddy brown tones, off whites and sand.
Swedish styles often use white on white tones with grey and natural wood.... 
choose your color scheme in harmony with your theme without going too bold on the colors.

The colors from Flamant and Benjamin Moore are my favorites. You can so easily combine and get these great results!

Well it may sound simple but the further you get in your decorating job, the harder it will be. Don't go for second choice because you think your first pick is too expensive. Leave both and wait till you find something that you can pay for and that looks absolute wonderful. Be creative and look at flee markets (vintage) ;) or try to paint an old chair so that it fits....
But never take something that looks nice in the shop but that really does not has any relation to the theme you choose for, it will both cost you money and ruins your final picture...

Still doubting what to go for?
If you think you will get major out of track, you can always ask me, send me a picture with your doubts or questions. I will be happy to help out if possible. 

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