July 29, 2014



Three days filled with shopping in Essaouira together with Mr. and Mrs. M.

It started with the booking of Hotel l'Heure Bleue. And it kind of ended there too :).
Mr. M. has an addiction for small statues of women and Mrs. M. loves to take home food and beauty related products.
Have a look at some of the things we bought.

orange blossom shower gel from 'Les Sens de Marrakech'

We made a choice for the cement tiles that they are going to introduce in their new to build house.

We bought some colorful led free bowls in white and magenta

Meanwhile we visited the hotel Mumtaz Mahal and I showed them a wonderful renovation and probably their next place to stay when visiting Essaouira.

We bought a wonderful fruit tray from the Tamegroute area.
some delicious bottles of wine which they got addicted to in the hotel.

A really exclusive vintage Boucherouite in wool.
and finally we ended back where we started.
in the bar of l'Heure Bleue,
but not before I promised them... 

 a set of my new line of bedding. in White and Black with some Moroccan flair!

And oh yes, we did found a lovely statue on a sitting lady all in white and black. But we keep this one a secret for now...

Bye Mr and Mrs M. Thank you  for enjoying my shopping assistance.

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